Methane production has been going now for 12 days and producing a reasonable amount of gas each day. The gas is flammable but I am finding I cannot sustain a flame without the candle keeping the gas lit. This could be for two reasons. Either the jet and oxygen mix I am trying to ignite [...]
Entries Tagged as 'Methane motorbike'
Methane Burning!
October 18th, 2009 · No Comments · Methane motorbike, News
Tags:biogas·carbon dioxide·methane
Methane experiments begin!
October 5th, 2009 · No Comments · Methane motorbike, News
Today I have just started working on my methane project. After reading a few articles, the one of particular interest being: I have started building my first digester to produce methane. At this stage I just want to produce some methane and check that it explodes before going on to look at powering a [...]